What's inside a giant robot? Let's find out and learn a thing or two or three. You are invited to join
Boston Artist Fish McGill in the installation & creation of two 12-foot tall Robot drawings Monday-Thursday in the 301 Gallery. Come help work on a giant drawing of a Robot's GUTS and gears on the gallery walls throughout the week. Answer the ongoing question, "What is inside a Robot anyway?" The collaborative drawing project will shine light on this subject. Computers, cell phones, wiener dogs, rocket parts, you name it and it is in there.
The kickoff is on Friday February 4, 2010 from 6-9PM in the 301 Gallery. We will install the two 12 foot Robots in the space. Be ready to climb ladders and drill panels as we hang the colorful robot parts and prepare for a week’s worth of work. The 301 gallery will be open all week February 7-10 during the day and in the evenings. Come draw with us or hang out with some Robots. Lessons on creating stencils and how to make wheat paste will be demonstrated on Wednesday & Thursday afternoons. Special guest artists from the Boston area will be stopping by in the evenings to draw with everybody who participates throughout the week.
At the fancy pants closing reception on February 10 from 6-9PM please arrive dressed to impress for some milk and cookies as the Robot’s panels will be raffled off for free to all the guests at the Robot GUTS closing reception in the 301 Gallery.
Show Schedule
* Friday February 4, 6-9PM - Project Installation & Kick Off
* Saturday February 5, 10AM-4PM
* Monday February 7, 7-9PM
* Tuesday February 8 - All Day till 9PM
* Wednesday February 9 - All Day till 9PM
* Thursday All day - Closing show at 6-9PM
About The 301 Gallery
Montserrat College of Art Gallery presents innovative exhibitions of contemporary art that feature regional, national and international artists ranging from emerging to established. Our core mission is to cultivate learning, celebrate artistic excellence, and to inspire a lifelong involvement in art and design.
301 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915